Webinar: Now is the Time to Evaluate your Quality Management System
Every organization will do something related to quality management, even if that is maintaining the status quo with paper and manual-based processes. The problem with these outdated processes is that they work — until they don’t. You could find yourself looking at long, costly audits or being out of compliance. Why risk it?
Join Strategic and ETQ on July 14 at 2PM Eastern for a discussion of how the right Quality Management System (QMS) not only reduces risk but also boosts your competitive advantage. You’ll also learn about ETQ’s phased approach to quality management that supports your business growth, beginning with easing the transition from paper-based and other manual processes. You will hear how this approach to the Quality Journey has allowed customers to thrive, achieving documented ROI at every stage. The four phases include:
Ignite: Build a strong foundation, streamline processes and manage documents and training, mitigating the risk and waste that come with manual processes.
Accelerate: Enable process flows between functions and systems to leverage data everywhere and produce actionable information.
Expand and Transform: Integrate internal and external stakeholders, especially suppliers, into the quality process and extend the program. Unlock competitive advantages by becoming more proactive and focusing on strategic and consistent operational excellence.
You owe it to yourself to see how choosing the right QMS and taking the proper first steps in the Quality Journey can make all the difference in your long-term success.